I've learned to recycle Caroline's toys to keep her freshly entertained (and the Living Room floor from being completely covered). It also helps when there's a toy she can't quite master. Such was the case with the blocks. A thoughtful gift from Bri/Mir/Liz, when the blocks arrived they were mostly regarded by Caroline as 120 uniquely interesting objects to be put in the mouth. For Clay and I, though, they provided endless hours of fun building castles, boats, etc. after she went to bed. After about a month, the blocks were removed from the toy mix.
Flash forward to yesterday and the recycling of the blocks. Caroline caught on to stacking them almost immediately and was quite excited (first picture). Then, she remembered they were

also uniquely interesting objects to be put in the mouth (second picture). The third picture shows her trying to stack two with all her might (aka. pushing really hard with two fingers). Tomorrow? Trying to get her to understand that you can stack more than just two at a time.

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